Plant Positive Words Into People’s Lives
By Administrator |
Today’s Thought: Plant positive words into people’s lives; you just might reap what you have sown, if not, God will recompense. Galatians 6:7 (KJV) 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Bishop C.L. Hardy Scripture Psalm 103:1-5 (KJV) 1 Bless the LORD, O my…
Quiet Time With The Lord
By Bishop C.L. Hardy |
Today’s thought: Your reputation is largely contingent upon what others think of you; your character is largely contingent upon what you think of yourself. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Proverbs 23:7a. Bishop C. L. Hardy Today’s Prayer: O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of…
When Christians Spend Time on Their Knees
By Bishop C.L. Hardy |
Today’s Thought: When Christians spend time on their knees praying, they are on their feet. Bishop C. L. Hardy Today’s Prayer and Scripture (1): (Hezekiah – for deliverance (2 Kings 19:15-19) And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord and said, “O Lord, the God of Israel, who art enthroned above the cherubim, Thou art the God,…